Encontrei essa pequena matéria sobre a Zooey Deschanel, e achei muito original , tanto que resolvi postar ela aqui. Sou suspeito de falar da Zooey, gosto dela como atriz, concordo com os comentarios do colunista…plenamente…
Zooey Deschanel might possibly be the cutest girl on the planet. Even her name is cute! I love her sense of style. It's never trendy, always feminine and quirky with lots of little details and big patterns. She's always perfectly put together, but never looks like she's trying too hard. She has mastered the art of wearing vintage and still making it look totally fresh and modern.
originally posted on 10/10/2005
Here's a more recent collage of Zooey's style. The girl loves her stockings! My personal favorites are the top and bottom left outfits. The black and white checkered dress looks even better up close and the blue (Marc Jacobs?) coat paired with plaid scarf and boots that she wore to this year's Sundance Film Festival is unbearably cute!
Fonte : Ninja Vintage: February 2007
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